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Yoga For Beginners

If you are a newcomer to yoga and you are not sure where to start, then you are definitely at the right place for beginners yoga.

Before you advance any further I have provided a short introduction to beginners yoga.

A Short Introduction To Beginners Yoga.

Yoga is a perfectly wonderful healthful and invigorating exercise.

It truly is one of the only exercises that you can perform which gives you a work out physically, mentally and spiritually, all at the same time.

Step One - Beginners Yoga

When learning yoga as a beginner you will start off by learning about the origins of yoga, yoga exercise , the purpose of yoga, and it then goes into the showing of the most basic and important positions.

One thing that you will do in beginners yoga which is very important is to learn and understand about the different paths that you can choose from. There are four basic pathas- They are: Raja, the path of physical and mental control; Bhakti, the path of devotion; and Jnana, Karma; the path of action, the path of knowledge or wisdom.

As a new student even beginners yoga can all be quite confusing. You should simply just look at it this way: yoga paths are the main roads of yoga and all of the other terms that you will hear about while you are learning about yoga are simply branches or side roads that lead away from the main road but can still help you to reach your destination.

Karma yoga is one which focuses more on the causes and effects of an individual’s actions, and it basically teaches a person how to live a life of spiritual action and selfless service. Karma yoga achieves union with God through this right action and selfless service.

Bhakti yoga is the path which is most followed in India, and it involves the surrendering of oneself to the Divine through prayer, worship, and ritual. Chanting or singing the praises of whatever divine presence is meaningful to you form an incredibly substantial part of this yoga.

Different Yoga Paths

Each of the different yoga paths has its own separate traits, and for instance with Raja, this is often known as the ‘royal road’ and it is considered as being the most complete yoga because it is the one which focuses on controlling both the mind and body in order to attain enlightenment, rather than just one or the other.

Finally, with Jnana yoga, this is the one which is most often considered as being the most difficult path, because it requires a radical shift in perception. The goal of this path is to seek the knowledge that is hidden within us all.



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