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Bikram Yoga - Who is Bikram Choudhury

Bikram Yoga is also known as Hot Yoga. A man name Bikram Choudhury is an Indian who used some of the ancient techniques of the Hindu religion for physical and mental fitness. Choudhury claims that his method is the only true hatha yoga practiced in the West, while this is not accepted by many other schools.

Bikram Choudhury, proclaims he is the Yogi to the Stars. Bikram lives in Beverly Hills and teaches at the Yoga College of India in Los Angeles and also in Calcutta, India, and other locations around the world, including San Francisco, London, Tokyo and Paris. His best-selling book Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class consists of a sequence of 26 yoga postures or asana and two breathing exercises.

Bikram Yoga Is Hot?

The unique factor of Birkram yoga is that it uses many of the techniques of standard yoga teachings, but one thing that is not unique is the classes are conducted in a temperature controlled room with the thermometer set at 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40.5°C) with a humidity of 50%. Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90-minutes. People of all levels, ages and body types practice together. Bikram yoga is so hot that few people become involved in this practice of yoga. While regular yoga teachings have attracted thousands of people, Bikram yoga has not attracted as many people as other yoga. The intense heat of the rooms for the sessions often leads people to quit the sessions early. Most do not realize that eventually they will get used to the temperatures, and will probably benefit from this factor.

Bikram yoga has its roots in the Hindu religion prominent in India, but this yoga really got its start in California. Like the more popular yoga classes, Bikram yoga is usually led by a qualified instructor in a studio. The temperature is crucial to the principles of this yoga so not many people are able to practice this yoga except at a special studio. The instructor leads the students through all of the moves during a session which usually last ninety minutes.

Bikram Yoga Uses Stretching And Breathing Exercises

The majority of poses incorporated in Bikram yoga are very similar to those of normal yoga poses. Those who know the usual yoga poses will be able to easily adapt to this yoga in most cases. Bikram yoga uses more than twenty different poses and a couple of breathing practices that make it special for physical fitness. During the course of a session, each exercise is performed twice. Bikram yoga requires steady progress rather than quick results like the normal yoga sessions. This helps to eliminate any injuries.

Bikram yoga should be practiced with the guidance of an expert who will analyze the moves of all of the students in the session. The students of this yoga should never be competitive with others, but they should work conscientiously for steady progress. Each person should watch their progress carefully so they do not injure themselves in the course of a session. You must work at your own pace. Those who stick with Bikram yoga are usually enthusiastic about their progress. The majority of practitioners once they have mastered the basics, will say that they feel great at the end of the session. Each session usually ends with a couple of minutes of quiet rest and meditation. If you are looking for a challenge Bikram Yoga may be it.


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